Uçucu Yağ Karışımı Roll On En İyi Nasıl Kullanılır?

How to Best Use Roll On Essential Oil Blend?

Aromatherapy basically works in three ways: sense of smell, respiration and absorption through the skin. You can learn more about this by reading our previous blog post on " How Aromatherapy Works ".

An already properly diluted roll-on blend will help you experience your preferred essential oils at all these levels. Of course, there are countless ways to use essential oil roll-on, but you can determine the most suitable method for you as you get to know them and experience more.

To get you started, here are some examples of how you can use it in a variety of situations:

  • To affect your mood: Enjoy the relaxing, energizing, balancing or revitalizing properties of natural aromatic scents by applying the roll-on applicator to your preferred body part such as your wrist, the inside of your arm, your temples, the back of your neck, the top of your head or behind your ear.
  • To support coping with stress: Apply the oil generously into your palms, rub your hands together, and then bring them to your nose. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly for a long time. Even this one breath can become your daily practice of self-awareness and self-compassion.
  • For digestive system support: Apply the appropriate roll-on mixture to your abdominal area and massage gently clockwise. If you experience discomfort such as motion sickness or seasickness while traveling, you can keep the roll-on bottle close to you, open the cap and smell the aromas frequently.
  • For respiratory support: Apply the appropriate roll-on mixture along the chest, neck, throat and spine. You can also take a deep breath directly from the bottle by opening the cap. If you are having trouble sleeping due to congestion, you can also try applying it under your nose before going to sleep.
  • To support coping with pain: You can apply a mixture of oils thought to be good for pain directly to the painful area, while getting support from the scent of an essential oil that is emotionally good for you. For example, you can help relieve a headache by applying a mixture containing peppermint essential oil to your head or neck and massaging it.
Mana Botanicals essential oil blend rolls consist of 100% pure and safe oils and are diluted with a cold-pressed carrier oil with a very low comedogenic index for direct use on the skin. Since it is suitable for all skin types, it allows you to experience all the benefits of essential oils in every way.
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